As part of the Government shut down scientists funded by NSF and NIH may have had the same response when they found that the National Science Foundation's website is truly down (see below). Read more
I'm thrilled I saw the Science article because it refers folks to Dr. Brian O'Meara's website (
Just in case I wasn't already tremendously impressed with Dr. O'Meara's stunning Evolutionary research I must now attest that he is surely a lifesaver for many a frantic graduate student as well as others needing access to documents once housed on the website. Also thank you as well Jim Austin of Science (editor of
Science Careers.
@SciCareerEditor on Twitter) for this tip!
Regarding deadlines: as O'Meara suggests " if it were me, I'd prepare everything for the original deadline just in case."
"From (http://www.nsf.gov/outage.html)
Due to the lapse in government funding, National Science Foundation
websites and business applications, including NSF.gov, FastLane, and
Research.gov will be unavailable until further notice. We sincerely
regret this inconvenience.
Updates regarding government operating status and resumption of normal operations can be found at www.opm.gov.
In cases of imminent threat to life or property, please call the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-428-2189.
Important Guidance for the Proposer and Awardee community can be found below.
This guidance addresses the various assistance and contract-related
policy and systems issues that may arise during the shutdown of the
Federal Government. NSF is providing this information as a service to
our proposer and awardee communities as well as our contractors in the
hopes that it will address most of the questions you may have during
this time period.
Please be aware that, except as noted below, NSF will not be
available to respond to emails or phone calls during the shutdown, but
will respond to your inquiries as soon as practicable after normal
operations have been resumed. NSF is committed to minimizing the
negative impacts this disruption may have on the science and engineering
enterprise and, as necessary, will issue follow-on guidance after the
shutdown ends.
Assistance - Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Proposal Preparation & Submission
- No new funding opportunities (program descriptions, announcements or solicitations) will be issued.
- FastLane proposal preparation and submission will be unavailable.
- Grants.gov may be up and running, however, since FastLane will not be operating, proposal downloads from Grants.govwill
not take place. Therefore proposals will not be checked for compliance
with NSF proposal preparation requirements or processed until normal
operations are allowed to resume.
Impact on Existing Deadlines
- Once normal operations resume, NSF will issue guidance regarding any
funding opportunities that have a deadline or target date that occurs
during the government shutdown. Such information will be disseminated
via a FastLane Advisory and other electronic methods.
Proposal Review Process
- All panels scheduled to occur during the shutdown will be cancelled and will likely be rescheduled to a later date.
- Ad hoc reviews will not be able to be submitted via FastLane.
Proposal Processing Time
- The Foundation may not be able to meet our customer service standard
of informing applicants whether their proposals have been declined or
recommended for funding within six months of the deadline or target
date, or receipt date, whichever is later.
Issuance of New Grants and Cooperative Agreements
- No new grants or cooperative agreements will be awarded.
Issuance of Continuing Grant Increments (CGIs)
- No new CGIs (whether electronically released upon Program Officer
acceptance of the Annual Project Report or approved by a Grants and
Agreements Officer) will be awarded.
Post-Award Administration
Performance of Work
- Awardees may continue performance under their NSF awards during the
shutdown, to the extent funds are available, and the term of the grant
or cooperative agreement has not expired. Any expenses must be
allowable and in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) cost circulars. During the shutdown, NSF cannot authorize costs
exceeding available award amounts or obligate additional funds to cover
such costs.
- No payments will be made during the shutdown.
Project Reporting
- Principal Investigators (PIs) will be unable to submit annual and
final project reports or project outcomes reports via Research.gov. For
continuing grants, awardees also should be aware that since annual
project reports will not be able to be submitted and Program Officers
will not be available to approve them, no new continuing grant
increments will be awarded (see above). Awardees should submit their
reports as soon as possible after NSF systems are available.
No-Cost Extensions
- No-cost extensions (including awardee-approved and NSF-approved) will not be able to be submitted or processed.
Awardees, therefore, are cautioned that Federal funds cannot be
obligated for expenses that occur beyond the award expiration date.
Award Transfer Requests will not be able to be submitted or processed.
Supplemental Funding Requests will not be able to be submitted or processed.
Other Post Award Notifications & Requests will not be able to be submitted or processed.
Cooperative Agreements in Support of Large Facilities
- Recipients may continue to perform under Cooperative Support
Agreements for work where sufficient funds are available, and
performance does not require Government support which would be funded by
a lapsed appropriation, including quality assurance oversight or other
actions required of NSF staff.
- Since the cooperative nature of these Agreements anticipates the
need for Government involvement, NSF has, or will have, put work plans
in place with the Large Facility Cooperative Agreement Recipients
outlining the extent and time duration that operations will continue in
the absence of NSF oversight and direction.
- For Agreements that include major research equipment and facilities
construction, unless the work is considered to be essential to the
operations of the Foundation, and therefore NSF personnel have been
retained to provide oversight of construction activities, work cannot
proceed for an extended period, even if funds are available, based on
the foreseen need for NSF oversight of construction activities.
- No payments will be made during the shutdown.
- NSF will notify contractors whether they will be expected to
continue work in support of an excepted activity, or will issue an order
to suspend or stop work, or take other appropriate action during the
shutdown as determined by NSF.
- New contracts will not be issued during a shutdown, except those
that NSF has identified as supporting excepted activities, and then only
to the extent and amount necessary to meet those requirements.
- Contract personnel may be instructed by NSF to excepted activities,
provided all of the requirements governing excepted activities are met.
Contractors may perform these excepted services, but only to the
minimal extent necessary to address emergency situations, such that the
suspension of the function would imminently threaten the safety of human
life or the protection of property.
- Contractors may be authorized by NSF to continue to perform under
other contracts for work where sufficient funding was obligated prior to
the shutdown, provided performance does not require the use of closed
NSF facilities, is not in support of closed NSF facilities, or where the
contractor's work does not require Government oversight or support
which would be funded by a lapsed appropriation (such Government
oversight or support includes, but is not limited to quality assurance
oversight, technical direction, review of deliverables, or similar
actions requiring NSF staff).
- NSF may notify certain cost reimbursement and Time and Materials
contractors of work plans outlining the extent and time duration that
operations can continue in the absence of NSF oversight and direction.
- No payments will be made during the shutdown. An extremely limited
exception may be made by NSF in circumstances where the payment is made
in support of excepted activities, and failure to make the payment
itself would result in an imminent threat to life or property.
Excepted Personnel
- The Division of Acquisition and Cooperative Support has assigned
Contracting Officers to support contract-related excepted activities
during the shutdown."
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